Thursday, January 22, 2009

Need Work

It looks a little better in person than it does on camera, but this is my new gloves and hat and anything else that can be clipped storage system. Largely inspired by the fact that since I haven't been working much this month I have ordered like three pairs of riding gloves from ebay. I'm still waiting for them in the mail.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh Yeah

I had a grease hang over for the next two days. Nothing at Dallas BBQ's ever needs to be ordered in a full size. Nothing.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh Canada

Canadian ESPN is just this.

The Niagra strip is epic:
4 wax museums
3 haunted houses
Dinosaur mini golf
and a Boston Pizza (whatever that means)
all within three blocks.

Gapping Again

Same ol' same ol'. 28 feet wide

Left Overs

I don't know how these gems didn't make it into the initial home up load. I managed to leave a huge bag of fresh coconut meat in the fridge back home, which made my trip back all that much lamer.